In addition to my weekly work with “The Inside Story,” I have edited and produced longer documentaries with the incredibly talented Heather Murdock.
Bronze Medal, Documentary: Human Rights - New York Festivals TV & Film Awards
Thousands of workers died during Qatar 2022 World Cup-related construction, far more than in the run up to every other World Cup or Olympic Games in the past 30 years combined. This short documentary mixes firsthand accounts from families of the deceased in Nepal, explaining how so great a tragedy surrounds so celebrated an event — with no governments, organizations or companies taking responsibility.
“Cause of Death: Migrant Workers and the 2022 Qatar World Cup” was awarded the Bronze Medal in the Human Rights Documentary category at the New York Festival TV & Film Awards in 2023.
Winner, 2020 Digital Video Storytelling, Long Form - Online Journalism Awards
“Shoura” is an online project that features a documentary with animation about an extraordinary town in Iraq trying to come to terms with life after Islamic State. In 2014, some of the most notorious IS militants lived in Shoura and roughly half the men in the town joined up. Now, the region remains deeply divided in the aftermath of IS, but in Shoura, the families of victims of their brutality live side by side with the families of the militants.
“Shoura” won the 2020 Online Journalism Award for Digital Video Storytelling, Long Form.